“The WLDFLWRS were almost too good to be true. What an ensemble. Casually but perfectly playing songs from ‘The Last Waltz’ in a manner that literally brought people to tears. Impeccable playing, drumming, timing and infusing saxophone, acoustic guitar, harmonica and sometimes 3 guitar solos in each song. What was more impressive is how they introduced guests into the songs, as though they had worked with them all their careers. PP Arnold entered the stage for 3 songs and performed ‘Forever Young’ with the band, and for me, it was the most beautifully played song I’ve heard up close at a live show. The audience were transfixed and lost in her voice and the band’s playing. Honestly, it was perfect.“
Mark Richardson (Loafers Records)
“From start to finish, Wldflwrs capture everything on stage that was so magical about The Band, and that evening in San Francisco”
Chris Helme (Seahorses)
“I love it when a great idea comes together and this certainly does. Step back in time and enjoy the timelessness of these classic songs performed by WLDFLWRS & friends. Do not miss this show!”
Nigel Clark (Dodgy)
“Really Great Work!”
‘In the hands & voices of WLDFLWRS, so much of this gig sounded more like
hymns than secular songs”
Andy Holdcroft – Hot Music Live
“Such an awesome band that really play from the heart”
PP Arnold